lunedì 23 settembre 2024
SILVIO BERLUSCONI DECEDUTO, ALBERTO CALLE INVIO’ LETTERE DI CORDOGLIO :. SILVIO BERLUSCONI DECEASED, ALBERTO CALLE SENT LETTERS OF CONDOLENCE :. The European Parliament votes in favor of the use of weapons on Russian territory :. Gli Usa confermano le violazioni dei diritti umani durante le proteste in Perù
mercoledì 29 maggio 2024
Alberto Calle ha incontrato Antonio Muzzone del partito Fratelli d’Italia per parlare della politica del territorio, in particolare della città di Roma ma anché di Tivoli e Guidonia, tra gli argomenti trattati si ha parlato delle opere e i progetti che stanno lavorando a livello di Municipio e del Comune, tra i quali la viabilità, le scuole, la ztl ambientale, dei lavori nei cantieri e del proseguimento della metro C, del Giubileo, politica giovanile e dei giovani, edilizia popolare, nidi e scuole materne.
In quanto alla politica nazionale ed estera si ha parlato del sistema presidenziale, la recessione della Germania, Gran Bretagna, Francia, Giappone e i paesi del Mediterraneo, dell’energia e del gas nonché dell’indipendenza energetica e delle risorse che ne avrebbe l’Italia, fonti alternative e della centrale nucleare.
Durante la conclusione Alberto Calle ha ringraziato ad Antonio Muzzone per la sua disponibilità, chiedendole di trasmettere i saluti a Roberto Gualtieri, Andrea Volpi, Nicola Franco e Giorgia Meloni.
Il video del colloquio è visionabile al seguente canale :.
Alberto Calle met Antonio Muzzone of the Fratelli d'Italia party to talk about territorial politics, in particular of the city of Rome but also of Tivoli and Guidonia. Among the topics covered, the works and projects that are being worked on at the municipal level were discussed. and the Municipality, including roads, schools, the environmental limited traffic zone, work on construction sites and the continuation of metro C, the Jubilee, youth and youth policy, public housing, nurseries and nursery schools.
As for national and foreign policy, we talked about the presidential system, the recession of Germany, Great Britain, France, Japan and the Mediterranean countries, energy and gas as well as energy independence and the resources that Italy would have , alternative sources and the nuclear power plant.
During the conclusion Alberto Calle thanked Antonio Muzzone for his availability, asking her to convey greetings to Roberto Gualtieri, Andrea Volpi, Nicola Franco and Giorgia Meloni.
The video of the interview can be viewed on the following channel:.
martedì 16 gennaio 2024
ANBI, A RISCHIO ACQUA 3.5 MILIONI IN ITALIA? :. pagina 2 IL PROBABILE PROBLEMA DEL SISTEMA POLITICO PERUVIANO :. pagina 3 Democrats want you to think the crime crisis is over. Here's why they're dead wrong :. pagina 4 THE REACTIONS FROM THE VISIT OF THE PRESIDENT OF VENEZUELA TO BRAZIL :. pagina 5 Colonel Camacho warns about Morocco's plan with Spain and Sánchez's shameful blackmail?
Subito dopo, Alberto Calle ha elogiato il governo Di Giorgia Meloni, dicendo che nonostante ci possano essere opinioni diversi, al suo parere sta facendo un buon governo, ricordando, tra l’altro, che è un governo eletto dal popolo, facendo un ricordatorio sul sistema presidenziale a cui lui ci tiene e pensa anche Fratelli d’Italia come altri partiti politici ci tengano a realizzare finalemente il cambio del titolo V della costituzione, inoltre, pur rispettando la libertà di opinione e della democrazia, ha chiesto di evitare confusioni pubbliche, facendo riferimento alle opinioni di Silvio Berlusconi in merito alla guerra tra l’Ucraina e la Russia, ringraziando anche la visita di Giorgia Meloni Kiev, per Alberto Calle si dovrebbe evitare confusioni nei commenti in merito alla guerra in Ucraina ed ha chiesto compatezza nella classe politica e nella politica estera, in tale merito ha detto che l’Ucraina non resterà da sola ed è questa la linea che dovrebbe portare avanti sia il governo che l’opposizione, pur augurandosi che ci sia la pace e ringraziando anche al ministro degli esteri svizzero Ignazio Cassis per i colloqui segreti informali che, a quanto pare, si stanno tenendo a Ginevra. Tuttavia, a quanto pare, per ora servirebbe un miracolo per dare una soluzione alla guerra in Ginevra
During his speech, Alberto Calle thanked the research carried out on drought in Italy to Francesco Vincenzi (President of the National Association of Consortia (ANBI), he also thanked the National Research Council (CNR)), expressing Alberto's concern Calle for the result of the research, in which apparently there would be 3.5 million people at risk of water, that is, between 6 and 15% of the population could be in areas with severe or extreme drought in Italy. In turn, however, Alberto Calle urged and asked the CNR, as well as the political class, to focus their efforts on technology, recalling how during the Roman Empire where there was no water there existed in that time space a technology and engineering Roman to bring drinking water where it was impossible to imagine, referring to the Roman aqueducts, today in our time spaces, there is the possibility of using another technology to no longer talk about drought in Italy, Alberto Calle asked himself, why can we talk about drought on planet earth where about 80% of it is made up of water? for Alberto Calle, believes that our country is lucky to be surrounded by the Tyrrhenian, Adriatic and Mediterranean seas because it is precisely there where the work of the CNR and the political class must focus to solve the problem of drought, he still recalled that it exists already the technology to remove the salt from sea water and make it drinkable water for taps and for agriculture, citing some places where it seems they are already using this technology, in particular he mentioned Australia, asking the political class about it and in particular to the CNR to start working on the possibility of using sea water to make it drinkable water.
Also remember the appeal made by Alberto Calle since 2007 in this regard of the use of sea water
Immediately afterwards, Alberto Calle praised the government of Giorgia Meloni, saying that although there may be different opinions, in his opinion it is carrying out a good government, recalling, among other things, that it is a government elected by the people, making a reminder of the presidential system that he cares about and that Fratelli d'Italia and other political parties also care about finally implementing the change in Title V of the constitution, furthermore, while respecting freedom of opinion and democracy, he asked to avoid public confusion, referring to the opinions of Silvio Berlusconi regarding the war between Ukraine and Russia, also thanking the visit of Giorgia Meloni Kiev, for Alberto Calle confusion should be avoided in the comments regarding the war in Ukraine and asked for solidarity in the political class and in foreign policy, in this regard he said that Ukraine will not remain alone and this is the line that both the government and the opposition should pursue, while hoping for peace and also thanking the Swiss Foreign Minister Ignazio Cassis for the informal secret talks which, it seems, are taking place in Geneva. However, it seems that for now a miracle would be needed to bring a solution to the war in Geneva
Fonte :.
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Pagina 2
Democrats want you to think the crime crisis is over. Here's why they're dead wrong
Democrats created America's crime crisis and it's very real
Democrats refused to take responsibility for the crime crisis they caused after the death of George Floyd. Now, they're pointing to 2023's statistics to absolve themselves of blame, arguing conservatives made up a "crime crisis" narrative. This isn't just a dishonest argument but exemplifies a new depth in Democrat deflection. It ends up proving that Democrats have blood on their hands.
After reaching a record-high number of homicides in Democrat-run cities across the country, 2023 experienced about 13% fewer than the previous year. ABC News framed the statistic around public polling that shows Americans are deeply concerned with crime. Citing a recent Gallup poll, crime analyst Jeff Asher told ABC News, "Seventy-something percent of Americans believe crime is rising this year. And seventy-something percent of Americans in this case just happen to be wrong."
New York-based journalist Ahmed Baba used the ABC News piece to pretend fears about crime are unfounded, claiming there’s a "stark disconnect between how a lot of Americans feel and what’s actually happening. Disinformation is distorting our perception of reality."